Saturday 28 September 2013

I am so proud of my son I think I may just explode!

So he made it! He got to the end of Intro Week at university and has come home for the weekend, for a breather and some 'space'. And it was a very happy, vibrant Ben that I picked up from the railway station yesterday evening followed by what seemed like hours of Ben recounting all the things he's done this week and people he's met. It could have been so very different, couldn't it?

To be honest, as I am sure you can imagine, I was dreading picking him up. I found it hard to focus on anything yesterday.

However... Not only has Ben done all those things I listed in yesterday's post, but he's done a ton more as well which includes joining all the 'nerdy' societies like Wargaming, Role-Playing Games and so on. With any luck he'll be living, breathing and eating nerdiness with other nerds and will have no need to bother with any of the disco / boozy / partying brigade that are completely alient to him.

Also, one of my Anon followers will be delighted to hear that he has taken him / her up on his / her advice and joined the Christian Union, and been to the welcome event at his student residences, which he enjoyed.

Through all these activities he has already built a pretty big database of familiar faces and people to sit with at events, walk back with to his student flat, and have lunch with. All of which he has done over the last few days.

Now he is faced with the daunting prospect of lectures and STUDYING, and is worrying how on earth he's going to fit just the studying into his day; he claims he will need 36-hours a day to do everything...

But, thankfully, he has met quite a few senior students and post-graduates who will be able to advise on how they handled and organised the workload. One post-grad has already completed a History degree, so he will be the perfect person to talk to!

So, despite the - at times horrific - rollercoaster of a week which we've all had, Ben has made it.

It could so easily have been a week of hanging on in there by the skin of his teeth, shutting himself away in his room and hating every minute of it, but - despite the downs, and stomach-churning nerves - he has made himself get out there and do stuff.

And meet people he gets on with and who get on with him.

This, from Ben who has only recently dipped his toe in the water as regards socialising, after so many years of the eating disorder's social isolation.

Really and truly, getting Ben socialising again was one of the biggest and last-remaining legacies of the anorexia, and this week he has truly been 'baptized with fire' in that respect.

Ben, you rock!


  1. That is BRILLIANT!!! So pleased for you all, and good for Ben!

  2. Hi, I'm the anon commenter who suggested the CU. I don't mean to be anonymous but I'm not blog-literate enough to work out how to make it just say my first name, which is Laura...oh hang on, maybe I've done it now! I came to uni here in 1995, and Im one of those walking statistics where they tell you in intro week that "70% of you will meet your future partner here and 60% of you will stay in Sheffield" (I can't remember the exact percentages!!) because Ive done both of those. I'm sitting in Costa in Broomhill right now watching all the freshers wandering around and remembering how damn scary it all was. I had my 17th bday the first day of intro week, came to uni very young, so I sympathise with Ben and how scary the Grown Up world can seem when you first take the plunge. I hope this week goes well for him. He might find out 6 months down the line that everyone, even the ones who look confident, find the first few weeks of uni pretty terrifying.

    1. Hi Laura! Great to hear from you again, and to hear how positive your Sheffield Uni experience turned out to be. I will pass on your comment to him as I am sure he will find it helpful. xxx
