Wednesday 16 February 2011

A whole day away from Mama's Eagle Eye...

Today Ben went on a school politics trip to London to visit Parliament and trying to put together a 'suggested menu' for him entirely comprising Starbucks and Marks & Spencers Food was far from easy, especially as, for the first bit (Starbucks) and last bit (M&S in London), Ben will be in charge of buying his own food...

Of course I'm nervous about whether he managed it all or not. At this stage in his recovery, I believe he will be honest with me (which wasn't the case in the past). But whether or not he ate anything that comes close to his required daily calories, I won't know until he returns at 9pm.

Yesterday we visited M&S to buy a load of stuff for his packed lunch. Like the Battle for Cake Mountain on Saturday, we went through the 'pick it up / put it back / pick it up again' scenario with me adding up the calorie total, then taking away what was put back, then adding on what was picked up, taking away what was put back - to ensure he didn't underdo it. By the time we eventually reached the checkout, I was exhausted.

Will he repeat this lengthy process at M&S in London? If so, he'll probably miss the train. If not, then he might just end up with nothing to eat which may result in significant weight loss when he gets weighed at CAMHS on Friday.

He's just called to say he's on the train and I resisted the strong temptation to ask if he'd bought some food, instead just asking him if he'd had a good time.

Sounds like he had a wonderful time, thankfully. But watch this space about the food...

(Update next day...)

PS. He had a fab time and I do believe he ate all but a few of his calories. Anyway, we shall see what the scales say at CAMHS on Friday...

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