Sunday 28 July 2013

Getting ready for university

Before Ben can return to university in September, he needs the "OK" from the university medical centre. This is because his one-year Leave of Absence was on medical grounds. So, no doubt, he'll be travelling down to Sheffield within the next week or so for an assessment. Goodness only knows what this assessment will comprise of, but hopefully they'll say and do the right things.

Also, he's planning to book onto the university's Discovery Week. This is the week before Intro Week (when all the new students arrive and run amock with drinking, clubbing, etc). Originally introduced for students living at home in Sheffield, so they don't miss out on all the Intro Week stuff which is going on in the university residences, etc, and international students, it's a week of quieter events and useful talks about university life.

The university bills it as "a range of social events and information sessions during the week before Intro Week. Taking part in Discovery Week gives you a great opportunity to settle into university life, meet like minded people and make lots of new friends. You will have the chance to find your way around campus and the city, before the busy Intro Week starts the following week. You can arrive and take part in Discovery Week at any point during the Week, picking and choosing from a range of information sessions, activities and social events that you’re most interested in. You can take part in as many or as few as you want."

So hopefully this will be an opportunity for Ben to ease himself into student life before the onslaught of Intro Week.

And I am ensuring that Ben arranges and organises all this stuff on his own, without my help, as I take an increasing back seat in his life.

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